With a little more than one month spent in England, and a little more than one month left here, I've had enough time to be inspired by the centuries-old motifs, colors schemes, and designs I've encountered along the way, and enough time to really start missing my printer.
That being said, England has been a wonderful LOTUS&ASH experience. The black taxis, the red doors, Portobello Road in Notting Hill - they are all oh-so-LOTUS & ASH. There is something timeless, classic, and undoubtedly posh about London, and I'd like to think that LOTUS & ASH can capture that feeling in its own California way.
I look forward to returning to that lovely state with British influences swirling in my head, and get them onto paper, stat.
I never thought I'd be able to make it three months without any designing, or paper-ing, so when my roommate's birthday came around...The celebration called out for a little paper love.
Using the outdated laser jet printer downstairs (which always seems to be out of toner), paper from the art store on Broad Street, and good-old, reliable Scotch double-sided tape, I created these invitations and a new stationery design for a very lovely girl.
| TEA & CHAMPAGNE designed 10.2008 |
The paper is blush, and the envelopes are lined. It goes without saying that I will be coming home with as many tissue-lined envelopes that will fit into my suitcase! An elegant touch, they are not for everyday use. But when the right occasion calls...they can make a note extra save-worthy.
| OXFORD CLASSIC designed 10.2008 |